Little Hearts Pre School

Parent’s Speak

Binita and Shirzad

Congratulations to you and your entire team of relentless teachers who made yesterday's show a class act. The time in Little Hearts been amazingly transformational not just for studies but for shaping Kaizen to grow up to be a fine young man with good values. May you continue doing excellent work and keep making a difference to the lives of future generations. All we can say is we are grateful and blessed 😇

Sanaya Press

This is with regard to my experience with Little Hearts Pre school where both my children have studied for 4 years each. We have been with this institution for almost 8 years and I have to say my experience with it has been exhilarating, wonderful and exciting. It been an exciting journey that got over and passed by so quickly.  Little hearts pre school really instils in the children a feeling that they are loved and wanted. Each child is carefully nurtured and enlightened by the experienced and expert staff. The children are also given individual attention and are helped with various activities like art, craft, academics, singing, dancing and so many more. Not only does this school give importance to academics but also takes children on various field trips which gives them an actual experience of the the world outside. Field trips are so important in today’s world where electronics and screens are constantly trying to grab the children’s attention and turn them into aggressive robots This school not only involves children in fun activities but also involves parents in various activities like dances and plays resulting in us parents also making wonderful friends. Thus this school not only builds up confidence in children to perform but also encourages us parents to be confident Getting admission into this school is such an easy process and with a very affordable fee. I feel this school makes our children rich in knowledge and experience leading them to get into equally good institutions after they have finished their journey here.  It has been a real pleasure and honour being with this school and I hope to see Little Hearts Pre School continue to shine and touch many more children’s and parents lives in the years to come.

Khushnuma Ferzandi

PYP Coordinator, American School of Bombay
At Little Hearts Preschool, the curriculum, teaching strategies, and environment reflect the way children develop and learn. The programs planned for the children are developmentally appropriate. The teachers in the program consider the strengths, interests, and needs, as well as the culture and home language, of each child in the group. The teachers promote language and literacy by reading stories aloud, encouraging children to talk about their work, creating a classroom environment rich in different examples and uses of print (in English and children's home languages). The children are encouraged to talk with each other and are engaged in meaningful conversations about topics of interest to the children. A variety of art materials, such as markers, crayons, paints, and colored papers, is readily accessible to the children and within their reach. These are used to showcase and encourage the children to share their ideas. At Little Hearts Playschool every child feels like he or she belongs. Children learn that it’s important to respect others, and to work together as a team. The teacher observes and responds as needed to help children resolve social conflicts, such as fights over toys etc. At Little Hearts preschoolers dance to music, exercise and play games that promote large motor coordination. The teachers ensure that the children practice their fine-motor coordination by playing with pegboards, playdough, blocks, Legos, and large beads. At the school teachers encourage independence by allowing the children to dress themselves. Little Hearts allowed my child to learn about herself and the world around her. They helped her build friendships and learn how to solve problems independently. The school’s environment is one where as a parent I was always felt welcomed. The school involved my family in a very positive way through special events. The teachers were genuine with their intentions in ensuring that my child was safe at all times.

Cyrus and Firoza Shroff

As parents, we bring children into the world and wish the best for them always-and the greatest provision we can make for them is a sound education that will see them through life and arm them to face all its battles. We have, by putting both our sons into Little Hearts’ Preschool, laid a solid foundation to their education. The thing most commendable is that you have a true ‘first come, first serve policy’ to admit a child into the school. In a day and age where many preschools have 4-5 page forms asking for parents’ background, education and job details and even bank balances, your form is a simple basic information page. No probing questions are asked and there is no stress or pressure on the parents. The child is admitted as long as there is a seat in your classroom. KUDOS TO YOU! The teaching methodology is the play way method. All concepts are taught from abstract to semi concrete to the concrete level. A lot of enactions, poems, songs, stories, puppet shows etc. are done to interest the child and make learning fun. Here we have to appreciate the efforts of all the teachers-they are fully hands-on with a genuine love for children and for teaching. General knowledge is given a lot of importance and the tiny tots are exposed to numerous topics like animals, plants, school, home, solar system etc. in depth. The project book they have in LKG is unique and comparable to any high school’s GK book! Free play is an important part as well as many gross and finer motor development activities. A lot of art and craft is done involving making some wonderfully creative things on the topic of the week. A standout is the numerous field trips conducted throughout the year. No other school takes children to places like a fire station to learn about fire engines, train and boat rides to learn about transport, a cloth factory to learn how cloth is made and Jijamata Udyan to see and learn about the different plants there! This is besides taking them to the aquarium, zoo, Nehru Science Centre, planetarium, gardens etc. The school takes up responsibility in the Nursery to toilet train the child and actually requests parents to stop diapers in school. They provide snacks and water to the children; NO OTHER SCHOOL DOES; showing the extent of responsibility they are willing to take on. A BIG THANK YOU to you and the school.

Darius Dalal

Advocate & Solicitor
As our daughter Shanaya’s term at Little Hearts Pre-School is drawing to a close my wife Farah and I take this opportunity to thank the entire staff for the wonderful experience that has been provided to Shanaya and also to our son Xerxes (2009-2011). When we were deciding on a pre-school for our son Xerxes, little did we know that your school would have such a good influence on him. Like all parents with their first born, we too were anxious about everything including their first step into a formal school. In the first few months itself we knew that we had made the right choice for our son. It was amazing to see the time and the effort put by the teachers and staff towards the children and making learning easy and fun. Always thinking of new ways to teach the children new concepts by singing songs, enacting plays and dressing them up. The field trips organised are at varied places where the children are exposed to things that they would not normally see. The teachers and staff have always been extremely polite and approachable. The efforts taken by the teachers and the staff is extra ordinary and shows, when the children have managed to learn a great deal without being pressured or stressed. Whenever I asked my son what he did at school he would say “I played and I played and I played”. Even though he felt that he was playing and/or being entertained he was learning new things such as it was Alexander Graham Bell who invented the telephone, that the humming bird is the smallest bird. It was reassuring to us to know that various facets of daily life were being taught to the children and how well they were able to retain it. Without a shadow of doubt we enrolled our daughter Shanaya here as we and our son had the best of teachers. As with Xerxes, Shanaya too looks forward to go to school everyday and this itself is testimony to the love and dedication showered upon the students of your school. The teachers have been extremely patient, loving and caring towards all the children and know all the children personally. We would like to thank all the the management, the teachers, staff at Little Hearts Pre School for a wonderful and enjoyable learning experience for our children.

Urvakshi Mehta

Chartered Accountant
If I am to talk about subjects close to my heart, I’m tongue tied. One such subject is talking about the best gift I could’ve given my three children. According to most parents, the best gift one can give their children is a good education. And in today’s dynamic world, education has undergone and is undergoing changes. Tiny tots are expected to know so much, are capable of so much more! What they really need is an encouraging, friendly, loving environment that sows the seeds of a happy child that truly believes in being that and so much more! ‘Education’, per se, is very simply then, only the naturally obvious outcome. Walk into Little Hearts Preschool and you will get the comfort you have been looking for after walking into every other preschool. From the teachers that speak to confused first-time parents, to the physical structure, to the interiors; what Little Hearts exudes, and you as a parent lap up, is a great deal of warmth. You ask as many questions as you have listed, feel satisfied and register your child. You realize, not long after school begins and thank your lucky stars, for taking the best decision you did in a long time and for your child. What follows, is truly, a saga of love. Love for children, per say, that we parents, in tangible terms, recognize as: Field trips to places one wouldn’t ordinarily have access to Workshops for children and parents on varied topics Movies at Eros preview theatre Sports day Unparalled worksheets Art and craft activities Dramatisations, improvisation Learning through music and movement and enacting Skill based activities General Knowledge (which reaches an insurmountable high in LKG thanks to the Project Book) Fancy Dress Competition Grand finale – the annual concert where every single child goes up on stage …….. and the list is endless. Open days are held at regular intervals, highlighting your child’s strengths and identifying areas for improvement, which, you will happily note, have been converted to strengths by school itself, without any stress on you. So well prepared are you and your child thanks to the untiring efforts of each and every person at Little Hearts that school interviews are not so much of a nightmare anymore. Your child is the happiest when you mention school and so are you when you go to drop and pick them up from school, an otherwise humdrum, routine chore. The energy levels of the teachers and helpers alike simply cannot be ignored. As for me, as a parent, what more can I ask for? My son, 8.5 years old is at CampionSchool, Grade 3. My daughter, age 6 is in HKG at J.B.PetitSchool. My youngest one, 3 years old is the happiest angelic devil when he is in LKG at Little Hearts. I quote myself from earlier on in this text, “What they really need is an encouraging, friendly, loving environment that sows the seeds of a happy child that truly believes in being that and so much more! ‘Education’, per se, is very simply then, only the naturally obvious outcome.” I rest my case, My Lord! It’s your discretion now! Thankyou Meher and everyone at Little Hearts, always!
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