Methodologies & Techniques
The Teaching Methodologies adopted at Little Hearts Preschool are:
Project Method
Playway Methodology
Montessori Methodology
Auditory and Visual Aids
Project Method
Playway Methodology
Montessori Methodology
Auditory and Visual Aids
The Teaching Techniques adopted at Little Hearts Pre School include:
- Intergrated Approach to Learning
- Child Centred and Teacher Directed Activities
- Sensory Approach to learning
- Learning through concrete, semi-concrete and abstract levels
- Through the projector to enhance cognitive development in children through Auditory and Visual Learning Aids
- One with nature programs
- Language Development Programs
- Music and Movement
- Dramatizations
- Holding Puppet Shows as a means of learning
- Games as an integral part of Learning - Children Workshops as a means of learning. Example - Workshops conducted in Art and Craft, Cookery, Sensory, National Integration, Plants and Animals, Community Helpers, etc.
- Child Centred and Teacher Directed Activities
- Sensory Approach to learning
- Learning through concrete, semi-concrete and abstract levels
- Through the projector to enhance cognitive development in children through Auditory and Visual Learning Aids
- One with nature programs
- Language Development Programs
- Music and Movement
- Dramatizations
- Holding Puppet Shows as a means of learning
- Games as an integral part of Learning - Children Workshops as a means of learning. Example - Workshops conducted in Art and Craft, Cookery, Sensory, National Integration, Plants and Animals, Community Helpers, etc.