Our Curriculum

The curriculum at Little Hearts Preschool is designed to prepare students for lives of worth and service. An education that provides solid foundation for a rich and fulfilling life that spans a variety of sensory experiences and not only learning through the 3Rs (Reading, Writing and Arithmetic ). Our aim is to provide education for life and not for living. We strongly believe that the best thing you can give children next to good habits are good memories.
At Little Hearts Preschool, we also believe that the love for learning is the most precious gift that one can make to a child and this can only come through the living touch of a modest teacher. We believe in not just imparting knowledge, but in Awakening, Aligning the interest affection and Enthusiasm, through our Holistic curriculum which aims to promote the all round development of the child and not just cognitive or linguistic.

The curriculum at Little Hearts Preschool is based on an Integrated Approach to Learning giving rise to both Child Centered and Teacher Directed Activities through Individualized Sensory Experiences which have a lasting imprint on the Cognitive Development. To ensure thorough learning of various concepts, the child is made to experience various activities at all three critical levels of learning viz: The Concrete Level, The Semi-Concrete Level and The Abstract Level.
The Project Method is an integral part of the Learning System of our preschool. It includes, careful and detailed planning of the curriculum for the week or the month based on the Project. Children are taught various Concepts, Music & Movement, Dramatizations, Real Life Sensory Experiences, Worksheets all based on the Project. Some of the projects undertaken by Little Hearts Pre School are Rain, Water Cycle, Monsoon Creatures, Plants, Animals, Insects, Birds, Transport, Community Helpers etc.
The curriculum also stresses on the Three R’s – Reading, Writing and Arithmetic Programme using the Playway Methodology.
Little Hearts Preschool takes pride in introducing an Unique Programme of imparting General Knowledge to the children.
A wide arena of Finer Motor Skills is integrated into our curriculum.
Gross Motor Development is done every day with children at Sports Time through balancing beams, ball games, ladders, bridges, music & movement games, various physical games, yoga.
Sand and Water Play activities for emotional development like swimming, pouring, sprouting are also conducted routinely.
Little Hearts Preschool has an intricate programme designed for enriching the sensory experiences of children through various Art & Craft activities on a daily basis.
Music & Movement forms an integral part of the daily programme followed by the school using various musical instruments like the Keyboard, Tamarind, Guitar, Cymbals, Shakers and Music & Movement made fun through puppets.
Wholesome, Nutritious snacks prepared in the school are provided everyday to the children.
Little Hearts Preschool boasts of 2 gardens and an outhouse where Freeplay is conducted for children everyday.
Every Wednesday is Garden Day where alongwith Freeplay, Music & Movement and Dramatizations are conducted for children.
Little Hearts Preschool celebrates all festivals with equal zest.
As a part of training children for high school, interview training is provided to children on a daily basis. The school conducts 5 mock interviews in a year and work shops on how to train parents for the interview.
Evaluation Programme – The school follows the horizontal and vertical evaluation programme through regular open days, termwise feedback and yearly report card.
Show and Tell is an integral part of the school programme.
Dress As You Like days based on respective projects are organised on a weekly basis.
At Little Hearts Preschool, we follow the Ability Grouping System wherein children are divided into smaller groups for all learning activities to emphasize on complete individual attention. The student teacher ratio is maintained at 2:10.